Length Conversions > Feet to Kilometers

This is our Feet to Kilometers Conversion Tool! It is part of our Length Conversions section.

You can also use this conversion tool to perform Kilometers to Feet conversions - just click the "Switch" Button. You can also change how many decimal places to show.

Try our Length Conversions Section!

Feet to Kilometers Conversion Calculator:

The Feet to Kilometers Conversion Tool is crafted to ensure total simplicity for its users!

Input your values using your keyboard and take advantage of the flexibility of our calculator, which can be accessed on any device, ranging from PCs to mobile devices.

  1. Simply enter your "Feet" into the box, to be shown the conversion to "Kilometers".
  2. The Feet to Kilometers Conversion Tool will automatically show the result as you update your input.
  3. You can click the "Switch" button to change the result into Kilometers to Feet conversions.
  4. You can change how many decimal places are shown, by clicking the Decimal Places option.

Experience the exceptional performance of our Feet to Kilometers Conversion Tool on larger screens such as projectors or whiteboards in educational or meeting settings. It is the perfect tool for such scenarios. Give it a try today!